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The ecovillage Farcha, Palestine invites us in July!

We invite the forces of light and hope from the international community to take a stand for solidarity by joining forces with the community of Farcha in occupied Palestine. Farcha, who stand for creating a different model of life, became the first ecovillage in Palestine, joining the GEN movement last year.

The community is hosting the 24rd international summer festival from 23rd–30th July in which local and international activists will come together for one week of working on the solutions needed to create a sustainable regenerative lifestyle. The week is dedicated to improving the livelihood of the village. They invite the international community for an intimate insight into Palestinian culture. In this week, Aida Shibli and Dr Frederick Weihe, co-workers of the Tamera community and leaders of Global Campus Palestine will hold a space within the festival for ecological interventions in the land, together with the agronomist Saad Dagher, They call for a group of 15–20 international GEN community members and others, who want to help Farcha in the next steps of becoming an ecovillage. They invite knowledge carriers, hope carriers, and volunteers to join this group. The group will visit the Sumud freedom camp and join their activities. The trip and expenses are all self-sponsored. For more details, please write directly to Aida Shibli

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